Saturday 9 January 2021

MDR Instruction fo Use (IFU)

MDR Annex I GSPR Section 23 of MDR have requirements regarding the information supplied by the manufacturer.

The following section provides requirements which are applicable for instruction for use,

1.     23.1. General requirements regarding the information supplied by the manufacturer

2.     23.4. Information in the instructions for use

MDR brings lot of changes. As compared to MDD, MDR IFU requirements are more detailed, some NEW requirements are incorporated.

·       Per Article 18 MDR all implantable devices (Except WET) shall have patient information document.

·       Reusable devices shall have Information to identify when the device should no longer be reused, e.g. signs of material degradation or the maximum number of allowable reuses.

The below table shows some of major MDR IFU New requirements.

IFU General Requirements

23.1 IFUs shall be provided through manufacturer website.

23.1.(a) The medium, format, content, legibility, and location of the label and instructions for use shall be appropriate to the particular device, its intended purpose and the technical knowledge, experience, education or training of the intended user(s). In particular, instructions for use shall be written in terms readily understood by the intended user and, where appropriate, supplemented with drawings and diagrams.

23.1.(e) Where multiple devices are supplied to a single user and/or location, a single copy of the instructions for use may be provided if so agreed by the purchaser who in any case may request further copies to be provided free of charge.

23.1.(f) Instructions for use may be provided to the user in non-paper format (e.g. electronic) to the extent, and only under the conditions, set out in Regulation (EU) No 207/2012 or in any subsequent implementing rules adopted pursuant to this Regulation.

23.1.(h) Where appropriate, the information supplied by the manufacturer shall take the form of internationally recognised symbols. Any symbol or identification colour used shall conform to the harmonised standards or CS. In areas for which no harmonised standards or CS exist, the symbols and colours shall be described in the documentation supplied with the device.

(MDD 13.2,Highligted text added in MDR)

IFU Content Requirements

23.2(a) The name or trade name of the device.

23.2(c) The name, registered trade name or registered trade mark of the manufacturer and the address of its registered place of business.

(MDD 13.3(a),Highligted text added in MDR)

23.2(e) Where applicable, an indication that the device contains or incorporates tissues or cells, or their derivatives, of human origin, or

23.2(e) Where applicable, an indication that the device contains or incorporates tissues or cells of animal origin , or their derivatives, as referred to in Regulation (EU) No 722/2012.

23.2(f) Where applicable, information labelled in accordance with section 10.4.5 (presence of CMRs and Endocrine disrupting substances.

(MDD only have phthalate)

23.2(r) In the case of devices that are composed of substances or combinations of substances that are intended to be introduced into the human body via a body orifice or applied to the skin and that are absorbed by or locally dispersed in the human body, the overall qualitative composition of the device and quantitative information on the main constituent or constituent responsible for achieving the principal intended action.

23.4(b) the device’s intended purpose with a clear specification of indications, contraindications, the patient target group or groups and of the intended users, as appropriate.

23.4(c) where applicable, a specification of the clinical benefits to be expected.

23.4(d) where applicable, links to the summary of safety and clinical performance referred to in Article 32

23.4(f) where applicable, information allowing the healthcare professional to verify if the device is suitable and select the corresponding software and accessories.

(MDD 13.6(c) Partially covered,MDR more detailed)

23.4(g) any residual risks, contra-indications and any undesirable side-effects, including information to be conveyed to the patient in this regard.

(MDD 13.6 ,Highligted text added in MDR)

23.4(j) any requirements for special facilities, or special training, or particular qualifications of the device user and/or other persons.

23.4(l) if the device is supplied sterile, instructions in the event of the sterile packaging being damaged or unintentionally opened before use.

(MDD 13.6(g) ,Highligted text added in MDR)

23.4(n) If the device is reusable, information on the appropriate processes to allow reuse, including cleaning, disinfection, packaging and, where appropriate, the validated method of re-sterilisation appropriate to the Member State(s) where the device is placed on the market. Information shall be provided to identify when the device should no longer be reused, e.g. signs of material degradation or the maximum number of allowable reuses.

(MDD 13.6(h) ,Highligted text added in MDR)

23.4(o) An indication, if appropriate, that a device can be reused only if it is reconditioned under the responsibility of the manufacturer to comply with the general safety and performance requirements.

23.4(p) If the device bears an indication that it is for single use, information on known characteristics and technical factors known to the manufacturer that could pose a risk if the device were to be re-used. This information shall be based on a specific section of the manufacturer's risk management documentation, where such characteristics and technical factors shall be addressed in detail. If in accordance with point (d) of Section 23.1 no instructions for use are required, this information shall be made available to the user upon request.

(MDD 13.6(h) ,Highligted text added in MDR)

23.4(t) In the case of devices that are composed of substances or of combinations of substances that are intended to be introduced into the human body and that are absorbed by or locally dispersed in the human body, warnings and precautions, where appropriate, related to
- the general profile of interaction of the device and its products of metabolism with other devices,
- medicinal products and other substances as well as
- contraindications,
- undesirable side effects and
- risks relating to overdose.

23.4(u) in the case of implantable devices the overall qualitative and quantitative information on the materials and substances to which patients can be exposed.

23.4(v) Warnings or precautions to be taken in order to facilitate the safe disposal of the device, its accessories and the consumables used with it, if any. This information shall cover, where appropriate.

(Partially covered in MDD)

23.4(w) For devices intended for use by lay persons, the circumstances in which the user should consult a healthcare professional.

23.4(x) For devices covered by this Regulation pursuant to Article 1 (2), information regarding the absence of a clinical benefit and the risks related to the use of the device.(Devices without an intended medical purposeas in Article 1(2))

23.4(z) A notice to the user and/or patient that any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the device should be reported to the manufacturer and the competent authority of the Member State in which the user and/or patient is established.

(ab) for devices that incorporate electronic programmable systems, including software, or software that are devices in themselves, minimum requirements concerning hardware, IT networks characteristics and IT security measures, including protection against unauthorised access, necessary to run the software as intended.

Article 18 Implant card and information to be supplied to the patient with an implanted device

(aa) Information to be supplied to the patient with an implanted device in accordance to Article 18

1. The manufacturer of an implantable device shall provide together with the device the following:

(a) information allowing the identification of the device, including the device name, serial number, lot number, the UDI, the device model, as well as the name, address and the website of the manufacturer;

(b) any warnings, precautions or measures to be taken by the patient or a healthcare professional with regard to reciprocal interference with reasonably foreseeable external influences, medical examinations or environmental conditions;

(c) any information about the expected lifetime of the device and any necessary follow-up;

(d) any other information to ensure safe use of the device by the patient, including the information in point (u) of Section 23.4 of Annex I

 Click below link to know more about IVDR IFU requirements :


REGULATION (EU) 2017/745 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 5 April 2017 on medical devices, amending Directive 2001/83/EC, Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 and repealing Council Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC

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