Sunday 12 September 2021


 Biocompatibility is defined as “ability of a medical device or material to perform with an appropriate host response in a specific application”.

The following information shall be considered for evaluating the overall biological evaluation of the medical device:

  • a) Direct and indirect tissue contacting materials
  • b) Additives, process contaminants and residues
  • c) Packaging materials
  • d) Leachable substances
  • e) Degradation products
  • f) Performance and physical characteristics of the final product

 Biological evaluation is determined based on nature, degree, frequency and duration of the exposure and the hazards identified for the medical device or material.

 Step 1: Identify the category of medical devices.

This helps for selection of appropriate tests relevant for medical devices. 

Categorization by nature of body contact

Categorization by duration of contact

Non-contacting medical devices

Surface-contacting medical devices

Skin,Mucosal membrane ,Breached or compromised surfaces

Externally communicating medical devices

Blood path, indirect, Tissue/bone/dentin, Circulating blood

Implant medical devices

Tissue/bone, Blood

Limited exposure (A) – duration of contact is up to 24 h.


Prolonged exposure (B) – contact time is likely to exceed 24 h but not exceed 30 days.


Long-term exposure (C) –contact time exceeds 30 days


  • Transitory-contacting medical devices have limited exposure (A) and these devices does not require testing to address biocompatibility. But for products made with materials such as coatings or lubricants needs testing.
  • Medical devices with multiple contact duration categories require more rigorous testing and/or evaluation considerations shall apply.


Step 2: Conduct a physical and/or chemical characterization per ISO 10993-18.

 If the materials, chemicals and processes has an established history of safe use in

the intended application and physical properties have not changed, then no further testing required and rationale shall be documented.

 further testing need not be required if the device extractables and leachables have sufficient toxicological data relevant to the expected exposure (quantity, route and frequency)

 Step 3: Conduct the biological testing (source ISO 10993:2018)




Type of Devices to be tested

Categorization by nature of body contact

Categorization by duration of contact


Physical and/or chemical information

All medical device categories


all types of contact


all durations of contact


Irritation or intracutaneous reactivity

externally communicating medical devices

indirect blood path contact

long term duration


Material mediated pyrogenicity and acute systemic toxicity

medical devices with breached

or compromised surface contact

all durations of contact


Material mediated pyrogenicity

externally communicating medical devices and implant

medical devices

all types of contact


all durations of contact


Acute systemic toxicity

surface medical devices

mucosal membrane contact


prolonged or long-term contact

externally communicating medical devices


bone/dentin contact

limited duration

implant medical devices



limited duration


Subacute toxicity

all medical device types

prolonged and long term contact



Subchronic and chronic toxicity

all medical device types

long term contact



Implantation effects

surface medical devices


mucosal membrane contact

prolonged or long term contact

surface medical devices

breached or compromised

surface contact

prolonged or long term contact

externally communicating medical devices

indirect blood path


long term duration



externally communicating medical devices

circulating blood contact

limited duration


implant medical devices

blood contact

limited duration



surface medical devices


breached or compromised surface contact

long term duration


externally communicating medical devices

all types of contact


long term duration


implant medical


all types of contact


long term duration


For US FDA regulatory submission please use the US FDA guidance document “Use of International Standard ISO 10993-1, "Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process"

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